Mikel came home for Christmas break on Saturday, December 20. Man...does he look - well, like a MAN! He looks great and you can tell he has changed a lot. Not only can you tell by his mannerisms and attitude, but you can just see it. It's so nice to have him here - except that he's gone again. To Colorado this time, though. He is flying up today to see his dad (who he hasn't seen in over a year and who got back from Afghanistan after Mikel left for basic training) and stepmom and half sisters. He comes back on Monday, December 29. Then he leaves again to go back to basic on January 6.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Mikel is Home...Sort of.
Posted by Kim at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
'Tis the Season...
...to be really stressed out. Well, that's not entirely true. Well, wait, yes it is. Okay. Let me try this again.
As is said so often, we (speaking collectively as the human race) tend to get all wrapped up in the commercialism of Christmas that we tend to forget what it's really all about. This year, more than any other year, I have thought more about the true meaning of Christmas, so much so that I have let things kind of get away from me.
I do believe that Christmas is about giving - after all, God gave us His only Son as our gift. And like His ultimate Gift, giving should be from the heart. But sometimes - often times - that does involve the retail market in some manner. It's not necessarily that it's about how much you spend, but what you give and how much thought you put into it and what it will mean to the other person. Sometimes what you give might cost more - and sometimes less. I've tried to put so much thought into being - well, thoughtful, that I haven't done anything! And in case no one has noticed, there are only NINE days left until Christmas. Yes, I'm stressing.
I've also been somewhat preoccupied with the fact that Mikel comes home for Christmas from basic training on Saturday. Just somewhat. (Ha ha ha.) I absolutely CANNOT WAIT!!! My mind gets so preoccupied with that - and what I want to do for him - that I don't actually get anything done. It's SILLY!!!
So, yeah...I'm so wrapped up in giving from the heart that it almost feels like I won't be giving anything because I don't get anything done!
Must focus...
Posted by Kim at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving was very, very nice....quiet, but nice. The only people who were here were my mom, Pat, Evan and me. Mikel was sorely missed. I did get to talk to him - twice. He called once very early in the morning (well, okay, not too early...around 8:30 or so) and then again around 5:45. He's doing well, but he's ready to come home for Christmas. Anyway...on Thanksgiving we had the traditional turkey (which I cooked, thank you very much), dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry salad (those three prepared by my mom), baked green beans (mine), corn on the cob, rolls...it was a LOT of food for just us! Oh yeah...pumpkin and pecan pie, too (neither of which was made from scratch, which is fine by me).
We watched the Country Music Awards (that I had DVR'd) and then Mom left shortly after that. Evan and I went to Blockbuster to take back some movies and get more. We rented Kung Fu Panda - which he was all excited about in the store - and Peter Pan (again). I also rented Hancock, with Will Smith, and bought (3/$20) What Happens in Vegas, Made of Honor, and Leatherheads. The only thing that's been watched so far is Peter Pan. Of course the kid has no interest in Kung Fu Panda now...
Friday morning Pat and I went and did a little shopping while Evan had his break from us with Liz (thank you SO MUCH, by the way). Well, okay, we went to one store (Wal-Mart in Moore) and bought one gift for Evan. Then we went to the mall for Pat's eye appointment. While we were there I decided I should probably get mine checked too...more on that development in a later post.
After we did the eye appointments we picked Evan up, ate some lunch and then went back to the mall to get Pat's glasses. (Couldn't get mine just yet because I have to do a little more selective shopping for frames.) While we were there, we had Evan's picture made with Santa. Surprise, surprise, there was hardly a line! He was really excited to see Santa - until it was time to sit on his lap. Then all he would do was make the, "You're in big trouble and I'm going to embarrass you, " face. They got two pictures - one with his finger in his mouth and one with just a hint of a smile. Little turkey. We thought about getting the one with the finger in his mouth, but went ahead and opted for the near-smirk.
After we got home, Nebraska was playing Colorado. It was a very...well, I'll use the word "tense"... tense environment in our house. They ("they" being Nebraska, as if my two followers didn't know that) pulled it out, but it caused some concern.
Saturday was pretty laid back. I'm not sure anyone around here even bothered to get "dressed," other than to throw a sweatshirt over pj's or something like that. Of course there was somewhat of a big football game on Saturday night. There was quite a bit at stake seeing as how there was a three-way tie for the Big 12 South leader. Fortunately, OU's win moved them ahead of Texas in the standings (as that would have been the tie-breaker to see who plays in the Big 12 Championship) and OU will play Missouri. The only thing that would have made losing to OSU less painful (if that had happened) would have been that Texas Tech would have played in the championship instead of Texas. What a mess. I can't believe I just put that much energy into writing about it, actually. I suppose I did it for the sake of memory later when I can't remember what the deal was...
We went to Journey Church this morning and then came home to another fairly relaxed day. Now I'm just going to work on getting the Energizer Bunny to go to bed...
As of right now, counting today and the day he gets home, there are 21 days until Mikel comes home for Christmas. I CANNOT WAIT. In fact, I think I would rather not count today and the day he gets home because then there's only 19 days. That's fair, wouldn't you say?
Posted by Kim at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
It's amazing, I think, what kinds of things really make a mom excited. Poop - in the right place, and on a consistent basis - is one of them for me. Okay, well, not for me, personally, but...well, Evan's. (He's going to be really mad at me someday for blogging about this...)
Anyway, the kid was constipated for so long (even way before I knew it) that by the time he started potty training, it got really bad. It hurt when he went, so he associated the pain with the toilet. So, we went to the doctor, got instructions for Mirilax (miracle working stuff), and he's on his way to normal.
So what brings this on, you ask??? Well, today was his first poop in the toilet - with no pain or any other side effects he had before that I won't go into detail about.
YEA!!!!!!!!!!! I can only hope that it continues!
I know this was probably way more information than anyone really wanted, but it's MY blog...
Posted by Kim at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
You Asked For It...
Okay, Follower...You asked for it. I'm back. At least for today. I will be fair and warn you ahead of time that this is a rant. If you have no desire to read something that could be fairly harsh, stop now.
I don't get how people can go about pawning off their jobs so effortlessly with seemingly no conscience about doing so at all.
OR, in the alternative...
I don't understand how some people who are so lacking in the skills necessary to do their jobs actually manage to keep their jobs.
People need to review the work, stop and think about what they are reviewing, determine a proper course of action, take the action - in the proper order, of course, obtain results/information, and THEN pass problems they can't fix to someone who can.
What they don't need to do is look at it, jump to the wrong conclusion because they didn't THINK, and pass it on to someone else (who has to stop her job to make a phone call and ask questions based upon INACCURATE information passed along by the original party)...only to get information that would have been obtained if the original person had done what was supposed to be done to begin with.
This, dear friends, is the story of my job. Every. Single. Day. It's usually only one or two people, but those one or two certainly make for another full time job for me...
I have no idea if any of this made any sense to anyone but me, but I don't care. I had to get it off my chest. Had to say it. Had to breathe...
Posted by Kim at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pride...and Panic
All parents will agree that the day their children are born (or given to them, in the instances of those who so lovingly adopt) are the happiest and proudest moments of their lives.
Then come the times in each child's life that renew the happiness and pride in parents' lives. The first time they sleep through the night (oh, the PURE joy and happiness...), the first time they roll over, crawl, eat solid food, take a step, "go" on the potty (and continue to do so)...the first day of school, good grades and comments from teachers...driving a car (probably more panic, actually, than pride) graduating from high school (or, in some cases, obtaining the equivalent thereto), attending and completing college, finding the "right" person, getting married, giving grandkids...the list goes on and on. Of course, most, if not all, of these things can also cause a true feeling of panic in parents, too. Sleeping through the night, for example, will almost always cause the parents to NOT sleep through the night because they spend the night checking to make sure everything is okay. Rolling over...well, okay, you get the point. You can figure the rest of the panics out on your own.
Today was a supreme source of both PRIDE and PANIC for me. While I have known the day was coming for a while (he has talked about enlisting for a long time) and I thought I was "prepared" for it, the dawning of the day ushered in a whole new set of emotions.
My not-quite-19-year-old son enlisted in the United States Army today. I had the honor and privilege of being there to witness him being sworn in. While the "ceremony" itself was nice and low-key, the symbolic meaning made it completely amazing. I am bursting with PRIDE for him.
I truly believe that making the choice to serve our country's military is one of the most honorable things a person can do. These young men and women give their lives to serve and defend our country as well as to provide protection, liberty and freedom for those who are unable to provide for themselves. When I say "give their lives," I don't necessarily mean it in the sense that most people have come to think of (as in "the ultimate final sacrifice")...I mean it in the sense that they give up their ability to do as they please, when they please (move, change jobs, quit jobs, etc.). Their lives can change at the drop of a hat - or the blow of a whistle. One minute they're going about their business where ever they may be stationed, reporting to their stateside duty station, and the next minute they are finding out they will be heading out for a foreign and not-always-so-friendly destination where they may or may not be wanted at the time. And yes, sadly, tragically...many of our finest do give their lives...
Yes, I am PROUD. I can stand up and say my SON is defending me, my family, you, your family, my neighbors, strangers...And while he is one of many (thankfully), he is my one-of-a-kind, my first born, keeper of a very special place in my heart. I love him endlessly.
But the pride does not come without the price of panic. I am terrified. I am terrified of my baby being sent to a war zone. What momma isn't? That type of deployment seems inevitable, although I hope and pray that it doesn't happen. I can't define my sense of panic as well as I can my sense of pride, but I'm not sure it really needs definition. What I can say, without question, is that the depth of my panic is immense. I pray continually that our Lord and Savior will keep him safe and protected, where ever he may be.
I ask that you pray, too...the power of prayer is great, greater still in volume!!!
Posted by Kim at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What's Been Up...
Well, football season has begun again. Yea. Woo hoo.
So, let me just say that I do actually like football. Really, I do....
However...(ha - for all those who thought I would say, "But...")
I live in a house divided. I am an OU fan. I am not maniacal, though. My husband is a Nebraska Cornhusker, through and through. He is maniacal. He hates OU. I do not hate Nebraska and actually like them. I pay attention to what they have going on and wish them well. I only wish them to lose when they play OU. Anyway, it gets a little tense in my house on game days. Tense enough that I do not care to watch football at all. That's pretty much what went on on Saturday. I will spare the details.
Sunday was great! We went to "JourneyKids" (as Evan calls it) and it was a great talk. The current series is "There is no "If" in Joy." I would highly recommend checking it out online. You can click the link on the right side of the page and then when you are re-directed, click the link on the Journey site that says, "Watch Current Series."
After church we went home and did some yard work. Evan is always so proud of helping Daddy "lawn mower, weed eater and spreader." This time, though, he spent a bit more time helping Mommy pull some weeds. After all that, Pat and Mikel headed off to softball and Evan and I did a few things around the house and then went out to the ball field to watch. It's always a bit of a challenge to take him out there because he is all over the place and really wants to get out on the field (that's the real trial). He was really good this time...and it was so obvious that is growing up so very quickly.
Mikel started a new job (again) yesterday at Norman Door & Plywood. He's delivering building materials all over (pretty much) the state. Pat has been working on a bathroom tile project that has turned into a bit more (like installing new sub-flooring because the old was rotted out) than he originally thought. Me...well, I'm up to my behind in alligators at work, trying to keep my act together at home and my sanity in tact. It's busy - but good!
Posted by Kim at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sarah Palin was AWESOME. She did a fantastic job. She was confident and appealing. I'm really glad McCain chose her!!!
Rudy Guiliani's speech content regarding facts was great, although I thought his delivery was a little too flippant and sarcastic. It was his tone that people will construe as "attacking." I think it's difficult to find fault or make accusations of "attack" when you are stating facts (such as voting record), but the tone and delivery can make it seem another way!
Posted by Kim at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So...at this point, all they've managed to "dig up" on Sarah Palin is ...
1. She is under investigation for potentially using her position as Governor to have her brother-in-law fired from a position with the Alaska DPS (or whatever they call it). GASP! Has anyone EVER heard of a politician using authority to have something done??? SHOCKING, isn't it?!?!? I mean, really! (WHO CARES?????)
2. Her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. I don't even know where to start with this one. It infuriates me that this is an issue that people deem as negative. Don't get me wrong here, it isn't as if I think kids should run around having sex and getting pregnant. Far from it. But because it happened, does that mean that Palin is a bad choice? Does that mean that her morals are questionable? Does that mean she doesn't take care of what's hers? Uh...NO. No one - and I mean NO ONE - outside of their family knows exactly what goes on in their home, and by that I mean that no ones knows the discussions that are had and what values are taught. Parents can teach until they are blue in the face. Kids are going to do what they want to do about 98% of the time. Because, as we all know, parents don't really know anything. And those who are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, freaking out over this, should really examine their own lives. Are you perfect? Are you without fault or sin? The answer is no. Let's take a look at the world in general...Our Father created us. He even had an instruction manual written for us. And every day, every one of us disobeys Him. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I cannot BELIEVE this is causing such a storm. And my word...how offensive to young, unwed mothers and fathers. And their parents. The list goes on and on. She's having a baby, and a baby is a gift from GOD under any circumstances. A baby certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon or called into question.
President Bill Clinton had a freaking affair while he was in office and people still listen to him. And what's wrong with Hillary that Billy went and had the affair? (Wait, was it plural? Affairs?) I suppose that had to be her fault. So, by all means, lets write her off...
(Okay, seriously...my blood is boiling.)
3. Her husband has a 20-year-old DUI conviction. Has anyone looked at the majority of our legislators lately???? COME ON!!!
I don't have the time or the inclination to research every single politician out there. Probably don't have the stomach for it either. None of these self-righteous idiots who are spouting this santemoneous crap are without problems.
Posted by Kim at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Losing Touch
Yep, I've done it again. I go into this with all kinds of good intentions and then just...stop. Oh, I start blogs. I have all these ideas when I start one up. But then...it's almost like I lose the thoughts or the enthusiasm pretty much the minute I start to write.
Who knows...maybe I'll get on a kick - maybe I won't.
Posted by Kim at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Glass Houses and Stones...
Seems to me I remember a saying that goes something like this: "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."
Probably the same goes for bloggers who don't post that often, either. Especially when their fellow bloggers don't go taking pot-shots at them...
Posted by Kim at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New Blog...
You MUST check out It's Lovely! I'll Take It! If nothing else, it will give you at least ONE good burst of laughter and we ALL need that! It's great!!!
Posted by Kim at 12:32 PM 3 comments
My Friend Christie!
My friend Christie is pregnant with her second child. Her first darling little one (who she waited a long time for) is a little boy named Logan James. This next gift is a little girl whose name is Delanie Christine.
I found out this morning that Christie's water broke (this morning) and she's planning for "a long day." I would ask anyone who reads this to say a prayer for Christie and Delanie and ask God for a peaceful (well, okay, as peaceful as it can be) appearance!
Posted by Kim at 9:50 AM 0 comments
New Yummies!
These are pretty healthy yummies, too! Give them a try, if you haven't...
The first one is Yoplait Whips yogurt. Yoplait makes a great product anyway (always tastes good), but these Whips are UNREAL. I've tried the Chocolate Mousse and the Dulce De Leche. The Chocolate Mousse has 160 calories, 4 g fat (2.5 saturated/0 trans) 15 mg of cholesterol, 105 mg of sodium, 230 mg of potassium, 25 g carbs (22g sugar) and 5g protein (which is pretty darn good for a container that small. I'm telling you...they are awesome!
The next one is a cereal made by Archer Farms (which is sold at Target). Actually, all of the ones I have tried are fantastic. This particular flavor is Multigrain with Yogurt Cranberries. I won't bore you with all of the details, just this: 200 calories (1 cup serving), 4 g fat, 0 cholesterol (how do you beat that?) and 8g of protein. This is the kind of cereal that you can just pour yourself a handful and have it for a snack. And there is no need to add any sweetener to it, either. Oh...in addition to being really tasty and pretty darn healthy (especially for cereal that does taste good), it's pretty eco-friendly, too. They've condensed the packaging and use less paper product - no plastic bag, either.
Posted by Kim at 9:37 AM 3 comments
Labels: Products
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Weekend
Pat went to play in a softball tournament on Friday night, Mikel was with his girlfriend somewhere, so that left Evan and me to hang out. I had U-Verse (SO AWESOME, thus far) installed on Friday, so we spent quite a bit of time channel surfing and catching some channels we didn't have before. We have the SPROUT channel now, and once Evan got ahold of that information, he was all about it - mainly because Addy watches Sprout. (Awwww...) We also watched a few of the On Demand shows for kids and they were really good. There was one, in particular, that had him almost glued to the television. It was about earth moving equipment. It wasn't animated, either. It had a bunch of different segments about different kinds of equipment, with kids "driving" and playing (supervised, of course) and the equipment operators narrating what the machine does. Anyway, he watched that a couple of times and Sprout's The Goodnight Show after that. In fact, I dozed off on the couch and when I woke up at 10:25, he was still watching. Granted, his little eyes were cllllloooooooosssssssssiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg....and then SNAPPING open. Cllllloooooooosssssssssiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg......................SNAPPING. (I know, I'm a horrible mom...) Anyway, that's when I got him in bed (me, too, for that matter) for the night.
Pat played ball again all day on Saturday. Mikel slept most of it. Evan and I went to Bed Bath & Beyond and got a couple of media racks. "We" put those together in the afternoon, then went to Wal-Mart for a few essentials. By the time we got to Wal-Mart, Evan was SOUND asleep in the car. I mean G.O.N.E. I got him out of the car...he didn't move. I carried him around the store for about 20 minutes - while pushing a cart, thank you - before I finally thought I might drop him. So, I found some towels and thought I would lay him down in the cart (making a pillow out of towels, of course) and maybe he could just sleep. Oh no. That woke him up. Apparently a little power nap was all he needed. After that he was raring to go. So he helped me shop (ha ha) and then we headed home. He was all over the place. Playing this - doing that. He was hilarious. He did crash kind of early and it was fairly peaceful after that. Pat did come home Saturday night so he could sleep in his own bed before going back to play ball again on Sunday.
Seriously...how do they stand playing softball ALL. DAY. LONG. in 100+ heat? No thanks.
Anyway, on Sunday, I got up and washed a seriously nasty softball uniform (had to use carpet stain remover to get the stains out), got Pat on his way and then Evan and I went to church. Boy, was that series sermon something I needed to hear. I'll get to that later, but I'll just say it did give me a different mindset.
After church, Evan and I went to his friend Cooper's house (his mom and I have been friends for years) to swim. He had a blast. And let me tell you, it was a fight to get him out of there! I was so proud of him, though, because he did not go potty in his pants the entire time he was swimming! YEA!!!
When we left, he was asleep in the car in no less than five minutes...and he slept almost FOUR hours. He was certainly wired for sound when he woke up, and was really excited to see his dad!
Mikel and his girlfriend were at our house Sunday night. I think they (well, it's really him) are finally starting to get the fact that money does not grow on trees and you better find less expensive forms of entertainment than going to a movie and paying $9 or so each. Yeah, rent a movie and stay home. That's what they did and then they went walking around the pond. Maybe, just maybe, he's starting to listen...
It was a pretty good weekend, all in all!!! I'm constantly Blessed!
Posted by Kim at 2:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Newly Discovered Oreo Cookies
I found - quite by accident, as Oreos are not typically the first cookies I look at during one of my infrequent (truly) trips down the cookie aisle - the yummiest cookies!
They are a Banana Split Creme Oreo. OH. MY. WORD. SERIOUSLY. Now, if you are not a fan of banana flavor, I don't know that I would suggest them. Although they do seem to have tastes of "banana split" mixed in, so it's not all banana. They are just awesome. Really.
They are a Limited Edition cookie, so if your interest or taste buds are peaked, I suggest you go get some!
Posted by Kim at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: Products
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Wheels on the Bus....
I am strongly resisting the urge to COMPLETELY throw someone under the bus. I would like to think I am acting with His grace by NOT doing so. But man, is the urge strong.
I just don't understand how someone walks around with this air of "I know everything and how to do everything and never make mistakes" but when s/he does something, you have to look at EVERY. SINGLE. TINY. ITEM. to make sure it was done correctly. (Otherwise you end up cleaning it up yourself...so what's the point of having, "help"?)
Is attention to detail not a necessary or desired skill/trait/goal??? I mean really!
Posted by Kim at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Not that the one guy who reads this will care, but I thought the ladies might be interested. (I know there are a couple of gals out there who read, just never comment...)
I wanted to share information about a couple of the Maybelline products I have discovered I really like.
First is the Dream Matte Mousse foundation. LOVE IT. It goes on so smoothly and never clumps up or cakes up like a lot of liquids do. It really seems to allow powder to adhere very well, too. It seems to stay put, too...doesn't really sweat off. A little bit goes a long way and it seems to be be a pretty good value. It isn't too terribly expensive.
I have also tried the new Mineral Powder and it ROCKS! I wondered whether or not it had oils, talc and preservatives, but it doesn't. This works great with the Dream Matte. It would probably work even better with the mineral liquid foundation, but I haven't gotten to the point I want to try that yet...
The last thing is the Intense XXL Volume & Length Waterproof mascara. I've used another brand for a really long time (and for the life of me right now I can't think of it, but I really still like it, too...), and for some reason just gave this a shot. It's GREAT. It has two sides...one that has the "pre" coat (it's white and works great to separate the lashes and add some extra length), and the other side is the color. I can totally tell a difference in my lashes. It doesn't clump and they really do look longer.
There are other make up products I really love, too, but they are a bit more pricey (I'm not talking about the ones you have to order, either) and I get to the point that I only use them for special occasions, not every day.
Posted by Kim at 10:03 AM 4 comments
Labels: Products
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Weekend
This past weekend was FUNTABULOUS!
On Saturday, we all went to the Oklahoma City Zoo. Yes, ALL of us - Pat, me and the two boys Mike and Evan. (Complete shocker that Mike wanted to go!) I will admit that it was entirely too hot and the animals weren't really out and about (except for the swimming bears, which was so awesome to watch), but other than that, it was a good day. Surprisingly, Evan wasn't all that interested in seeing the animals. All he wanted to do was run around (and away from me), open and close doors and gates, pick up trash, and ride the merry-go-round and kiddie train. He was a lot of fun, though, despite being a handful. Mike was just as much fun, but in a different way. You can tell he is really interested in the animals and their habits. I think it would be a lot of fun to go with just him sometime. (Wonder if I can talk him into that???)
The zoo has really changed since we were there last year, and boy, is it for the better. I'll definitely go again this year, but I think I'll wait until sometime in the fall (maybe a football Saturday or something...) when it's not quite so warm. (Okay, so it was blazing hot, but I'm working on not complaining quite so much!)
Sunday was family lawn day...and it was ridiculously hot...until we got sprayed down with the sprinkler by our 3 foot lawn patrol maniac. Evan is all about working in the yard. He LOVES to "lawn mower the grass" and "weedeater the grass" with Daddy. We even tried to go get him this little weedeater from Toys R Us...but would you believe they were sold out? And I mean they were sold out all over the Oklahoma City area. There was not one at any Toys R Us. I think I'll order it.
It was a great weekend!!!
Posted by Kim at 10:23 AM 4 comments
Obsessing Update
Yes, I am still obsessing - but not as badly as I was last week. I'm still at a point, however, where I don't really want to write it all down until I have it all figured out.
I will say that I am completely fed up with the insurance industry and the crap they pull. (There's a little something for everyone to chew on...and agree with, I bet.)
Once I have it all figured out - and particularly after I talk to my agent so I can let you know what he had to say for himself and his company (which should be a riot) - I'll clue everyone in!
Posted by Kim at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I think that somewhere down deep inside I was always aware that I do this, but today's events made me totally conscious and aware...
I found out some information today that really got my blood flowing and sent me into panic mode. (I'll post on it later after I solve my problem. I have this thing about not putting some things in writing until I've resolved the issue. Weird, I know. I think it's just because I would rather explain once than go back and do it over and over.)
The point to this post is that after I found out about this &%*@#!^ problem, it was all I could think about. ALL. I. COULD. THINK. ABOUT. Even when I told myself there was nothing I could do today to get it resolved and that I can relax a bit, I found myself going back and back and back. I got nothing else accomplished for the day - nothing substantial, anyway. Ridiculous!!!
Posted by Kim at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Carpet Stain Remover
It smells great, too, believe it or not. Now, I did try it (because I had to be the antagonist) without vinegar - just laundry soap and water - and it didn't really work. Not nearly as well, anyway. the really awesome thing is that the spots I cleaned haven't "resurfaced." (You know, like they sometimes do when you clean them and the come back...)
The discovery actually makes me want to get down and scrub the spots out of my carpet. Alas...time prevents me. Guess I could be doing that instead of blogging.
P.S. The ants didn't care about the vinegar one way or the other. Wasn't much of a "deterrent," other than they particularly care for getting doused. I guess that action killed a few, but it didn't make them run screaming from the house...
Posted by Kim at 11:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: Products
Blog Hunting
The past few days, I've started poking around and looking at blogs written by people unknown to me. I started by looking at the "Blogs of Note" that scrolls through the Blogger home page. I've listed two on the right hand side (Found in Brooklyn was actually the blog of note, and Pardon Me For Asking is a link on Found). I don't know why these two interested me (other than the names caught my attention first), but they're great. They both make me want to visit New York City, and particularly Brooklyn. I've always wanted to go, but having the opportunity to get an insider's personal perspective makes it even more appealing! Maybe someday...
Posted by Kim at 11:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: Blogs
America's Best Places to Live - 2008
I found the article below when I was logging into my e-mail. I am amazed that my little neck of the woods is No. 6!!! I think it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do find it rather funny that the picture is actually of downtown Oklahoma City. Take a picture of Campus or something!
America's Best Places to Live 2008
No. 6: Norman, Okla.
![]() From: www.normanoklahomarealestate.us |
Population: 102,800
Miles from Oklahoma City: 17
Typical single-family home: $163,600
People at the typical OU game: 84,860
Pros: Affordable housing, football mania
Cons: Severe weather, football mania
Sit down for lunch at Café Plaid in Norman and you’ll see a little of everything: mothers with babies, students with laptops, and out-of-towners visiting the University of Oklahoma across the street. The café is a perfect microcosm of Norman itself. People flock here from around the world to study and teach—and then to stay and raise a family.
Carlos Lamarche, 36, a professor at OU who is originally from Argentina, had several job offers around the country after completing his Ph.D. in the spring. But he and his wife Barbara liked Norman because, he says, “We felt this would be a great place to raise a family.”
The university not only helps draw educated workers here but also serves as a major source of entertainment for residents. When the OU Sooners play football against their longtime rival, the University of Texas, Norman schools are almost always closed on Friday (you read that right) and the town packs the stadium. That’s terrific if you love all things gridiron. If you don’t, then not so much. Console yourself with the campus’ world-class art museum, which houses works by Degas, Monet and Renoir.
Affordability is another plus: Starter homes go for about $135,000. While Norman hasn’t had huge run-ups in housing prices, the city has also been spared the devastating downside.
Posted by Kim at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
Click to Give...
My mom sent me an e-mail with a link to The Animal Rescue Site. The website has a button to click that will help sponsors donate food to animal rescue centers. The same company does The Breast Cancer Site with a button to click for sponsors to pay for mammograms.
I'm putting a link on the side to this site and I hope that everyone will visit the site and click away on all the "Click Here to Give" buttons for all the different causes (tabs are at the top of the webpage).
Posted by Kim at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Give Back
Little Blessings...
I think it's important to realize that some things that happen throughout the day that irritate you or cause you some delay or setback, are often little blessings in disguise.
Take this morning, for example...
Evan gets a real kick out of unlocking the car and starting it. (He does have assistance and supervision, of course, but he doesn't really know that.) This morning, although I was running behind, I let him unlock and start the car. Of course I knew that it was going to add about 7-8 minutes to my morning, but at the time, the pleasure of watching his little face light up was totally worth it.
Anyway, he starts the car and "drives" it (by turning the steering wheel), plays with the radio, all that. When it was time to take him across the street, I got him out of the car and very stealthily (is that a word?) turned off the car and took the keys. I took him to Liz's, chatted for a few minutes and then walked back across the street.
And what happened??? (Drum roll, please.......)
So, I had to wake up another neighbor (my husband was already at work and there was no way he could come "save" me) and ask him to jump my battery. He so very kindly tried...and then discovered that there was no water in the battery. (So guess when I learned about batteries that require maintenance?!?!?!?) Anyway, he took me to get a new battery and installed the new one for me and I was on my way.
My little blessings???
Well, the first one is that if I hadn't let Evan "start" the car the first time, I probably would have driven to work only to discover this problem all the way in Oklahoma City with no one around to help me.
The second blessing was a reminder that we should always treat people kindly - something that I don't always do. Thank the Lord that my neighbor went out of his way to treat me with kindness this morning, even though I may not have deserved it from him.
Posted by Kim at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Grapefruit Seed Extract
So, "my neighbor" (snicker, giggle, laugh, snort) has told me about Grapefruit Seed Extract and its power to kick a cold or something of that nature in the backside. She's mentioned it a few different times, but until yesterday (after nearly a week of feeling like a baboon's backside), I didn't go to the trouble of buying it and trying it.
That stuff is AWESOME. Granted, I'm not completely over whatever I have going on (be it cold, sinus infection or what), but I feel a hundred times better. I am willing to bet that by Saturday I'll be fine.
It TASTES like a baboon's backside. The bottle may say you can mix it with water, but I'm telling you - DON'T. Please, take my word on this. I mixed it with orange juice this morning and couldn't taste it. I can handle it that way - but mixing it with water is just cruel and unusual punishment.
Posted by Kim at 10:45 AM 4 comments
Labels: Products
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My Boys...
Having such a huge difference in ages between siblings can be a challenge. Mikel is 18, turning 19 in November - Evan is 2, turning 3 in October. Sometime Evan really wants Mikel's attention, and Mikel just isn't in the mood. And then sometimes Mikel is ready to laugh and play with him and Evan is acting like a toot. Okay...so that's ALL siblings. Needless to say, having things in common is non-existent. It isn't as if they can go out girl-chasing together!
I caught a rare event on film on Sunday... Mikel and Evan playing together in the sprinkler! Evan was having a B-L-A-S-T playing with his "Bubbie." He really had fun when he was chasing Bubbie with the sprinkler. Unfortunately, I didn't catch that with the camera. Take a look...
Posted by Kim at 7:45 PM 3 comments
Labels: My Boys
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I Want to Be WonderMom!
I'm one of those people who wants to do a million things ... who often starts things and doesn't finish ... who often talks, but never does ... Like blogging, for example. I think of things I want to post about all the time, and maybe I'll even do it once or twice, but then I start thinking, "Who wants to read what I have to say?" Or..."I don't have anything new to say...it's always the same thing..." Or...well, something similar.
What I really want is to be WonderMom. And Wonder "person"...
I want to be an awesome mom to my kids and an awesome friend to my friends...and even those who aren't...yet.
Here's what this is all about...for me and anyone who reads it...
I'm going to blog about everything.... God. Church. My kids. My job. My friends. Working out. Products I've tried. Products I want to try. Trips I've taken. Trips I want to take. Movies. Books. Whatever.
So, here's what I would LOVE...
Jump in with comments, suggestions, opinions, links to your own blogs, anything. Just keep it clean!
You know, I'm REALLY excited!!! (Now let's see if I follow through!!!)
Posted by Kim at 5:13 PM 1 comments