Monday, November 24, 2008

You Asked For It...

Okay, Follower...You asked for it. I'm back. At least for today. I will be fair and warn you ahead of time that this is a rant. If you have no desire to read something that could be fairly harsh, stop now.

I don't get how people can go about pawning off their jobs so effortlessly with seemingly no conscience about doing so at all.

OR, in the alternative...

I don't understand how some people who are so lacking in the skills necessary to do their jobs actually manage to keep their jobs.

People need to review the work, stop and think about what they are reviewing, determine a proper course of action, take the action - in the proper order, of course, obtain results/information, and THEN pass problems they can't fix to someone who can.

What they don't need to do is look at it, jump to the wrong conclusion because they didn't THINK, and pass it on to someone else (who has to stop her job to make a phone call and ask questions based upon INACCURATE information passed along by the original party)...only to get information that would have been obtained if the original person had done what was supposed to be done to begin with.

This, dear friends, is the story of my job. Every. Single. Day. It's usually only one or two people, but those one or two certainly make for another full time job for me...

I have no idea if any of this made any sense to anyone but me, but I don't care. I had to get it off my chest. Had to say it. Had to breathe...


HomeSchool Mommy said...

Good rant...

Kim said...

Yeah. Uh-huh. I have more. Brace yourself.