Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pride...and Panic

All parents will agree that the day their children are born (or given to them, in the instances of those who so lovingly adopt) are the happiest and proudest moments of their lives.

Then come the times in each child's life that renew the happiness and pride in parents' lives. The first time they sleep through the night (oh, the PURE joy and happiness...), the first time they roll over, crawl, eat solid food, take a step, "go" on the potty (and continue to do so)...the first day of school, good grades and comments from teachers...driving a car (probably more panic, actually, than pride) graduating from high school (or, in some cases, obtaining the equivalent thereto), attending and completing college, finding the "right" person, getting married, giving grandkids...the list goes on and on. Of course, most, if not all, of these things can also cause a true feeling of panic in parents, too. Sleeping through the night, for example, will almost always cause the parents to NOT sleep through the night because they spend the night checking to make sure everything is okay. Rolling over...well, okay, you get the point. You can figure the rest of the panics out on your own.

Today was a supreme source of both PRIDE and PANIC for me. While I have known the day was coming for a while (he has talked about enlisting for a long time) and I thought I was "prepared" for it, the dawning of the day ushered in a whole new set of emotions.

My not-quite-19-year-old son enlisted in the United States Army today. I had the honor and privilege of being there to witness him being sworn in. While the "ceremony" itself was nice and low-key, the symbolic meaning made it completely amazing. I am bursting with PRIDE for him.

I truly believe that making the choice to serve our country's military is one of the most honorable things a person can do. These young men and women give their lives to serve and defend our country as well as to provide protection, liberty and freedom for those who are unable to provide for themselves. When I say "give their lives," I don't necessarily mean it in the sense that most people have come to think of (as in "the ultimate final sacrifice")...I mean it in the sense that they give up their ability to do as they please, when they please (move, change jobs, quit jobs, etc.). Their lives can change at the drop of a hat - or the blow of a whistle. One minute they're going about their business where ever they may be stationed, reporting to their stateside duty station, and the next minute they are finding out they will be heading out for a foreign and not-always-so-friendly destination where they may or may not be wanted at the time. And yes, sadly, tragically...many of our finest do give their lives...

Yes, I am PROUD. I can stand up and say my SON is defending me, my family, you, your family, my neighbors, strangers...And while he is one of many (thankfully), he is my one-of-a-kind, my first born, keeper of a very special place in my heart. I love him endlessly.

But the pride does not come without the price of panic. I am terrified. I am terrified of my baby being sent to a war zone. What momma isn't? That type of deployment seems inevitable, although I hope and pray that it doesn't happen. I can't define my sense of panic as well as I can my sense of pride, but I'm not sure it really needs definition. What I can say, without question, is that the depth of my panic is immense. I pray continually that our Lord and Savior will keep him safe and protected, where ever he may be.

I ask that you pray, too...the power of prayer is great, greater still in volume!!!


HomeSchool Mommy said...

I'm come back, too.