Tuesday, September 2, 2008

McCain/Palin this point, all they've managed to "dig up" on Sarah Palin is ...

1. She is under investigation for potentially using her position as Governor to have her brother-in-law fired from a position with the Alaska DPS (or whatever they call it). GASP! Has anyone EVER heard of a politician using authority to have something done??? SHOCKING, isn't it?!?!? I mean, really! (WHO CARES?????)

2. Her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. I don't even know where to start with this one. It infuriates me that this is an issue that people deem as negative. Don't get me wrong here, it isn't as if I think kids should run around having sex and getting pregnant. Far from it. But because it happened, does that mean that Palin is a bad choice? Does that mean that her morals are questionable? Does that mean she doesn't take care of what's hers? Uh...NO. No one - and I mean NO ONE - outside of their family knows exactly what goes on in their home, and by that I mean that no ones knows the discussions that are had and what values are taught. Parents can teach until they are blue in the face. Kids are going to do what they want to do about 98% of the time. Because, as we all know, parents don't really know anything. And those who are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, freaking out over this, should really examine their own lives. Are you perfect? Are you without fault or sin? The answer is no. Let's take a look at the world in general...Our Father created us. He even had an instruction manual written for us. And every day, every one of us disobeys Him. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I cannot BELIEVE this is causing such a storm. And my offensive to young, unwed mothers and fathers. And their parents. The list goes on and on. She's having a baby, and a baby is a gift from GOD under any circumstances. A baby certainly isn't something that should be looked down upon or called into question.

President Bill Clinton had a freaking affair while he was in office and people still listen to him. And what's wrong with Hillary that Billy went and had the affair? (Wait, was it plural? Affairs?) I suppose that had to be her fault. So, by all means, lets write her off...

(Okay, blood is boiling.)

3. Her husband has a 20-year-old DUI conviction. Has anyone looked at the majority of our legislators lately???? COME ON!!!

I don't have the time or the inclination to research every single politician out there. Probably don't have the stomach for it either. None of these self-righteous idiots who are spouting this santemoneous crap are without problems.