Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year - and all that good stuff!

Christmas has come and gone. So has New Year's Day. It's January 4, 2009. And this is my first blog of the new year.

First, an update of the Christmas holiday season.

It flew by so fast I hardly saw it coming and I don't know that I've even missed it now that it's gone. Mikel came home on December 20, left for Colorado on December 24...came home on December 29 and then leaves again for Ft. Benning on January 6. I've barely seen him. I keep telling myself it's okay...he's still a kid...his friends are who he wants to see (obviously more fun)...don't get my feelings hurt...don't get mad...It's hard NOT to get mad/hurt when he takes off to see his dad's side of the family, though, without even a thought as to ask me if I have anything planned...sigh. It's hard to just let things go when you know how much you've done - and continue to do - for someone, and they go the other way. What do you do? Quit doing? Quit helping? I don't think that's what Jesus would do.

Anyway... Christmas was a hoot. Evan had a blast. He got a keyboard (something I question my sanity about every day), a remote control dinosaur (which is really, really cute), a semi-truck, a camping gear set - complete with binoculars, a set of eagle binoculars (that I got for $2.00 [they were originally $12] because I didn't think the ones in the camping gear set would work, but they do...and better than the eagle ones), a block puzzle, clothes...and Santa brought him a kitchen, a Peter Pan DVD, a Curious George book, and a HORN. I'm wondering when it will be bring your favorite Christmas present to daycare day...

I worked in the office through most of the Chrismas season. Fortunately, Pat got to be home and he and Evan "hung out" while I worked. They had a B-L-A-S-T! I'm really, really, really glad they got to!

So, I've made some New Year's Goals. Yes, "goals." Resolutions, to me, are something that must take shape immediately. Like going cold turkey on something. I think you're setting yourself up for failure with things like that. Goals are something you work towards.

Some of my goals:

1. Blog regularly. About whatever. ('s my start.)
2. Keep in touch with people better. (I sent an e-mail to Vlad, Marina and Mascha with some pictures attached yesterday.)
3. Keep my house cleaner and neater. (I started this one on New Year's Eve. I cleaned most my kitchen - need to do some more thorough cleaning of the fridge, oven and floors. And it's stayed that way. Cleaned out the junk drawer. No dishes stacked in the sink. No junk on the counters. I also cleaned up my closet. Got lots more to do on that one. On New Year's Day I rearranged my desk in the living room. I admit this was more to mask some of the clutter behind it because I can't get rid of most of it. But hey, it looks better. I have more to do all over the house...)
4. Exercise regularly. Something every day.

These are just a few. I have more. Don't want to give away everything in one blog...